It’s so easy to get lost down the rabbit hole of creating stuff instead of clients.
You didn't start your coaching business to feel stuck in a cycle of endless to-dos. (I sure didn't.)
You started because you wanted to make a real difference, to share your gifts, insights, and experience in a way that truly helps people.
But right now? It feels like you're working nonstop with nothing to show for it. You're feeling a little scattered, and find yourself tweaking your website (again), and brainstorming offers that never launch.
The busywork list seems to grow out of nowhere, but your client list? Not so much. And that thought keeps creeping in: "What am I missing? Why do I feel so scattered?"
You're not doing it all wrong. You just might be focused on the wrong things.
It might be helpful to know that you don't need more strategies or another complicated system. Actually, you could simplify and focus on what actually helps to grow your business.
I've narrowed it down to 11 core areas every coach should focus on to grow their business.
This simple checklist will help you focus your energy where it counts, so you can finally build the coaching business you've been working so hard for.
I love to use this checklist over and over again. I circle back around to the beginning, check in, and make sure I'm keeping every point on this in a "growth" state. And if I can't get to it yet, that's okay, it's on my radar.
I remember spending hours working on emails and social media posts, making tiny changes on my website (again), and bouncing from one "brilliant" idea to the next, only to end the day totally drained and no closer to getting clients.
(Seriously, if brainstorming ideas was a paid skill, I'd be rich by now.)
I can recall a very specific moment that I looked at everything I had created and thought, "Why don't I have any clients?!" It didn't make sense.
But I learned, for example, that I needed to build an audience before building all the offers, nice pretty things, and fun stuff that felt productive.
Sure, emails and social posts matter, but without a clear focus or goal? It's just consuming time. It's busywork disguised as productivity.
It's frustrating, isn't it? I'm not and I'm sure you're not afraid of hard work. However, you're tired of working so hard on the wrong things.
Once I finally focused on what actually moves the needle:, like building my list, dialing in my message, and creating offers my audience actually wanted, things started shifting. I wasn't spinning in circles anymore. I was gaining traction.
You don't need to do more. You need to focus on what matters most. And trust me, it feels a whole lot better.
It was a hard lesson to learn, but thankfully I did that part already, so maybe you won't have to. (Seriously, really hear what I'm saying.)
Imagine waking up each day knowing exactly what to focus on. No more guessing, no more endless to-do lists that lead nowhere. Just clear, intentional action that actually grows your business.
It is possible. It takes a little time and effort, but you already know that.
See yourself building an email list full of people who enjoy hearing from you. Your messaging is dialed in so well that your ideal clients feel like you're speaking directly to them.
That's what we're all striving for, that level of mastery.
And your offers? They're exactly what your audience needs. Now that's purposeful, a good use of your time, and oh-so fulfilling.
You're no longer chasing clients, they're finding you. You're finally experiencing meaningful growth.
You've got breathing room. Space to be creative, space to rest, and space to actually enjoy running your business.
Whoa. Enjoy running your business. Yes please!
This is what happens when you stop spreading yourself thin with busywork and focus on what grows a coaching business.
You're no longer wasting your mental energy on things that move you away from your goal!
So how do you move from busywork to meaningful growth?
It comes down to focusing on the core areas that build relationships and create natural client attraction which equals business growth. I've narrowed it down to 11 essential areas every coach needs to prioritize.
Here they are…
1. Client Clarity. Get crystal clear on who you're here to help.
I know this isn't anything new to you. But hear me out. This is a living, breathing part of your business. Your "person" aka client persona is always evolving into more. Your job is to create an incredibly detailed description of your ideal client based on what you learn from interactions your audience.
Let's have a little fun and for the sake of example, let's call your "person" Michelle.
Now, you want to understand Michelle in every way possible. The typical things are her struggles, desired outcome, and where she hangs out online. But there's also her self-talk, biggest fears, and the language she uses when she talks about her struggles.
Does she have a family? What does she do in her free time?
Knowing your ideal client (Michelle) in this detailed way enables to go from speaking generically to speaking specifically… to Michelle.
And that's powerful.
2. Micro-Solutions. Solve small, specific problems before launching big offers.
A lot of coaches are taught to create their coaching program right out the gate. But if you don't have experience with clients yet, you may not know what your program needs to be yet.
Instead, try creating micro-solutions first. And figure out what Michelle wants and needs.
Example: What are 3 small problems Michelle encounters throughout her day in relation to what you help her with?
What solution can you create to Michelle's micro-problems? Can you send her an email about it? Offer her a digital product or standalone coaching session around it?
Use micro-problems and solutions to create content and offers you can test so much easier than a full program.
3. Messaging and Branding. Create a message that speaks directly to Michelle, her struggles, and her biggest desires.
Help you and your work stick in Michelle's mind with consistent colors, image styles, etc.
But don't worry too much about the visual just yet. It may take some time to figure this out and that's fine. You can start simply by choose colors and a feel. Go from there.
Your messaging is what will get her to stop and lean in to hear more, so focus on that.
4. List Growth. Build an audience of people who love what you do.
You want to grow a list full of Michelles. And you want to be doing this steadily every single month (if not week).
5. Email Marketing . Nurture relationships and build trust through consistent emails.
Michelle needs to hear from you this week. She needs inspiration, education, and a solution. Are you sending at least one email to her this week?
6. Visibility. Show up in the right places so your audience can find you.
Where is Michelle hanging out? Is she on LinkedIn? Or does she scroll endlessly on IG? Are you showing up there, so she sees you and how relevant your work is to her?
Use visibility to build your credibility.
7. Content Strategy. Keep it simple. Focus on one platform and show up consistently with relevant topics (micro-problems are a great topic generator).
What topic will you put out on Michelle's most frequently visited platform today? Does this topic interest her?
When you've got this running smoothly and consistently, expand.
8. Lead to Sales. Create a clear and easy path for your audience to work with you.
Is it easy for Michelle to sign up or purchase anytime she sees your work?
This is so often missed, especially with new coaches. Check everywhere you share content, where does it lead?
9. Core Offer. Develop an Elevated Offer that delivers real results (And accept that this may take time).
Your small offers or micro-solutions are a great way to test what can become segments of your core offer. Take your time creating it. Spend a little time on it this week based on what you've learned so far.
While you may not be ready to launch this just yet, you should spend a little time each week working on it based on what you've learned. It will come together.
10. Elevated Offer Flow. Plan bigger quarterly promotions to keep income steady.
You want to make sure you're actively promoting your core offer and have it set up in a way that is easy to rinse and repeat. That means presenting the offer (a sales page), getting it out there (emails, posts, etc.) and making it easy for people to sign up.
This should be a regular rotation. If you don't have your core offer ready yet, bundle together your micro-solutions. Offer a series of 1:1 sessions.
Just make sure it doesn't require you to "build" a lot in order to offer it. Not yet at least. This ensures some quick wins and with a regular promotional flow, you can begin to predict clients and sales.
11. Energy Practices. Manage your mindset and energy to stay aligned and motivated.
I saved this for last because when you know what to focus on you preserve your mental energy, get discouraged less, and create a vibe that attracts more of what you want.
But you need a plan to handle the fears, doubts, and worries, so you don't get derailed. You want to create a daily practice that helps you keep your vibration high and tap into your ability to create everything you desire. In doing so, you're able to show up for Michelle and help her experience the transformation she desperately needs.
These 11 areas are your points on the path. Focus here, and you'll finally start to see real progress.
One more thing. Here's an alternative to going through the whole list each week. It's a simple exercise to help you focus on what matters right now.
Step 1: Pick one area from the list above that feels the most out of alignment for you. Don't overthink it , trust your gut.
Step 2: Write down one specific action you can take this week to improve that area. (No huge overhauls , keep it simple and doable.)
Step 3: Schedule it. Like, actually put it on your calendar. If it's not scheduled, it will take up way too much mental energy hanging out in the back of your mind all day.
Example: If list growth feels off, your action might be to reach out to 3 people for potential collaborations like a freebie swap.
Simple, right? But powerful.
Okay, so why these 11 things?
When you focus on these 11 points, here's what changes:
Now, I know what you might be thinking… it's just a list or I don't need another strategy.
You're right, you don't need another strategy. I see this as a tool to narrow your focus to what actually matters. It's like the blinders you need, so you get distracted.
These 11 areas aren't trends or shortcuts, they're the foundational pieces every coaching business needs.
I don't have time to overhaul everything right now.
You don't have to overhaul anything. Instead, make small, intentional shifts. Start with just one area. One small action. That's how momentum builds.
What if I'm just not cut out for this?
Listen, I've been there. And I'm sure I'll have a not-so-good day in the near future where I question this too.
But feeling stuck doesn't mean you're not meant for this. It just means you need a clear path forward. And that's exactly what this checklist gives you.
You've come this far. Just look at the list and move forward.
The coaches who have figured "it" out are following a plan and doing the work with a goal in mind.
Look around, successful coaches are focusing on the exact things we've talked about here. They're not chasing every shiny strategy. They're dialing in on the foundational stuff, what works, and trusting the process.
Just by being here and reading this, reflecting, and taking action, you're stepping out of the busywork loop. (Seriously, gold star for you.)
Now you can ditch the busywork and start growing your coaching business.
So, what's next?
Pick one area. Take one action. And start building that momentum.
Because the coaching business you want? Considering all of the infinite potential outcomes in the Universe?
It's already here and waiting for you to catch up.
If you'd like to join my community of Client-Getters, subscribe to my newsletter: Find Coaching Clients. It's the newsletter full of tips for creating a consistent flow of clients, reliable income, and the spaciousness to live the way you want to.