21 June 2024

8 Ways You Can Use Routines to Create a Sense of Certainty

And with certainty, you can create anything you desire.


With big dreams come fear, doubt, and worry.  


And self-talk that isn’t always helpful. Certainty silences the inner critic. It helps you create your desires.  


We often work on beliefs to create certainty which is a good start. But, routines create predictability. That's exactly what we need to feel sure of outcomes.  


Here are the routines I use to stay on track toward business success and personal goals:


1. Establish Morning Rituals to Ground You.


Many people think that morning routines are only for highly disciplined super-achievers.


Anyone can develop a morning routine that suits their lifestyle and needs. 


I run two businesses and am building a small farm on 8 acres in a remote mountain valley. 


I need to be pulled out of bed by my ankles by 8:30 a.m. most days. My dogs, bless their sweet souls, patiently wait for me to wake up and let them out.  They never complain, although they should.




I used to be anti-routine.  


I always thought routines meant boring, stuck in your ways, or not spontaneous.  


Now I see routines as what enables you to be spontaneous.  When you have a lot to juggle, routines keep you sane.


A consistent morning routine sets you up for a positive day. Studies show that starting the day with structure can cut stress. It also improves mental clarity.  


For example NYC Therapy* states that routines can alleviate anxiety.  They do this by creating predictable scenarios.


Just hearing the words “predictable scenarios” makes my body spontaneously relax.  I think I might make some wall art with those words.  Seriously.


And you know what? Predictable scenarios might lead to some certainty.


If you’re like me, a woman (over 50, thank you) running and growing a business, you could probably use a little certainty around getting clients.  Start by creating some predictability in your day-to-day life.


Here’s what I suggest:


  • Wake up at the same time every day.

  • Do a couple of things that energize you, such as light exercise or meditation.

  • Write your day’s to-do list to clear your mind and avoid overwhelm.


2. Plan Your Week in Advance


Prioritizing tasks and setting clear goals can significantly enhance productivity and reduce anxiety.


The key here is to set realistic goals, tiny goals even. Create a string of small victories for yourself throughout the day and you’ll feel amazing!


Try creating a habit of reviewing your calendar and to-do list every Sunday. 



I don’t know if you ever experienced the "Sunday Scaries." It means dreading the arrival of Monday. If so, this can really help.)

Reflect on what you accomplished last week and what you want to achieve in the coming week. 


I even have a digital notebook for this purpose.  


It’s great because there are no incoming emails, chimes, or notifications.  Like when your uncle posts a picture of you on Facebook from when you were 8 years old wearing Mork and Mindy suspenders.  


No distractions, yet it holds TONS of reflections I can easily organize and find later.


When you write this to-do list, you’ll notice less Sunday evening stress. You'll also see a better ability to focus on what you want to get done.


Start this Sunday by planning your week ahead and see the difference it makes.


3. Create a Consistent Movement Routine


I love this quote by Marsha Doble,


I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I’m doing.”


And let me be clear; I don't like exercise.  I am sedentary by nature. I have to leave treats throughout the house to make me move through it.  I’m not kidding. 


Glue me to a laptop and plop me on the sofa and I’m good.  


But my body doesn’t agree with me.  And with physical decline comes mental decline.  No thanks.  I’ll move.  A little.


The truth is, you must take care of your physical health. You cannot delegate this personal responsibility.


Here are a few things that have helped me create consistent-ish exercise routines:


  • Short sessions (15 minutes or less).

  • Choose activities you enjoy (I give myself options: stretching, HIT, mobility drills, the rebounder, or the walking pad).

  • Have the right tools to do the job. (I have miles of wilderness I can walk in, but most days I need to get up from my desk and walk 10 feet to my rebounder or mini treadmill. It makes me more successful in getting it done).


Committing to a regular exercise routine can boost your mood, energy levels, and overall sense of well-being. Which, by the way, increases a sense of certainty that you can and will create more of the life and business you want.


4. Implement Evening Wind-Down Practices


End Your Day with Peacefulness Not Scrolling Madness


A calming evening routine can help you face and fix any difficulty in your day. This way, you won't carry it into your dreams.


That’s a real thing. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had many tornado dreams and maze-like dreams. I even had one where I was being chased down by a Polar Bear in the hills of Appalachia.  


Do not take your stress to dreamland, it never ends well. And your brain never gets to go through its cleanse cycle. This is key for clarity and well-being the next day.  


Confession time: I’m a night owl.  I try not to be, but I am.  


I love the quiet that 11 pm to 2 am brings.  Yes, I live in a valley nestled in wild mountains.  If I look out the window right now, I can only see two houses in the distance.  However, there’s a certain “No one is expecting anything from me” magical hour. 


  • I’m inclined to stay up super late. 

  • I don’t always abstain from my phone before bed.

  • My inbox has an unnatural pull that I can’t always resist.


However, I still strive to create a relaxing bedtime ritual, such as reading or meditating and set a cut-off time for work-related activities.


A hot bath, a good book, and silence ensure tomorrow will be SO good.


Ending your day with a peaceful routine helps you wake up refreshed. Your brain will thank you.


5. Pay Attention to Your Food/Fuel


Fuel Your Body and Mind with Nutrition-Dense Meals


If you’re a foodie like me, then you might be susceptible to overindulgence.  I’ve found that not eating after 6 p.m. helps me sleep better which in turn helps my brain be a little less impulsive.  If your digestive system is working hard during the night, it will interrupt your quality of sleep.  


Less burden on your digestive system overall is a good thing.


I’m not an expert on eating well by no means, but this is what I’ve found helps me:


  • Get in high amounts of quality protein.

  • Eat one main meal a day and maybe one smaller one.

  • Focus on “adding in” good foods rather than restriction.

  • Stop eating by 6 p.m.

  • Drink plenty of water.


Staying nourished is key to maintaining your energy and focus throughout the day.  And while food is a natural routine, just being a little more conscious of your food routine can really help your state of mind.


6. Schedule Regular Self-Care Activities


Self-care is not selfish. It’s responsible, smart, and maybe even cutting-edge.


Regular self-care practices tell your nervous system that all is okay. This calmer state contributes to creating certainty in your life and business.


Taking time for yourself is crucial to maintaining balance in life.


Consistent self-care routines lead to sustained well-being, productivity, and predictability.


7. Reflect on Daily Achievements


Celebrate Your Daily Wins


Sounds cliché, I know, but what did you achieve today that you’re proud of?


I got this article written. And I even pulled some weeds in the garden as I was walking by the cucumbers.


Often, we're focused more on what we didn’t do rather than celebrating our accomplishments.


This just makes more of what we don’t want. It sets the filter in your brain to notice what’s not done.  Instead, set your filter to what did get done and allow more opportunities for success into your reality.


Keep a daily journal where you note your achievements and positive experiences. (You’re effectively training your brain for successful outcomes.)


Many of us overlook our daily successes.  It’s normal.


Regular reflection on the good things builds confidence and reinforces a positive mindset.  And you guessed it, helps create certainty. 



8. Create a Flexible Routine for Unexpected Changes


Adaptability is trending.  


Flexibility in routines can help maintain a sense of certainty even when unexpected changes occur.  Which means you get the things you want.  You achieve your dreams.  And even better, you do it over and over again.


By doing these eight steps, you can create a magical-feeling framework for daily life. It will increase your certainty for outcomes in your business or any part of your life.


Now for the mushy stuff.  All snarky-ness aside.  You have incredible potential.  Human beings are vast, untapped reservoirs of energy and possibilities.  You have the most powerful machine known, your brain.


I think it’s time you harness it to create anything you desire.


If you’re building a business, your age, stage, or starting point doesn’t matter.  Just your choices. Begin with belief. Add routines to increase certainty (harnessing your brain), and watch what begins to unfold.  


It’s a beautiful thing.


If you’d like to be supported in creating everything you desire, check out Advanced Manifesting.  


*Brenner Ph.D., Brad, 2020, "The Mental Health Benefits of Having a Daily Routine.", accessed on June 19, 2024, < https://nyctherapy.com/therapists-nyc-blog/the-mental-health-benefits-of-having-a-daily-routine/>

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Michelle Sera

Hi, I'm Michelle Sera, head coach and founder of  ElevatedMind®.

I'm also a best-selling author, Certified Happiness Coach, Marketing Mentor, Freedom Formula Facilitator, 7-Figure Copywriter, (human, dog, and cat) mama, farmer, gardener, and Dragon Boat racer.