23 February 2025

Half-Finished Offer Ideas & Zero Progress: Why Your Offer Ideas Never Make It Out There (And How to Fix It)

I don’t know about you, but there was a time when I felt like the queen of half-finished projects.


I would have a ba-jillion brilliant ideas for offers that started with a burst of inspiration, followed by a ton of excitement, and then… nothing.


It was like someone stuck a pin in my bright, colorful balloon.


And then all of those half-done ideas for offers just piled up.Mocking me.Reminding me of all the energy and time I wasted before giving up.


It’s like they’ve formed their own little graveyard of good intentions.


Can you relate?


Well, if there’s one thing I know for sure now, it’s that it doesn’t mean you’re lazy, or unmotivated, or even that you don’t have great ideas.


In fact, you’re probably overflowing with ideas. It’s that you’re trying to do too much at once.


You’re setting the bar so high with your “ultimate” offer that it becomes this monstrous, complicated thing that you can’t finish.


You may not have the clarity you need to fully complete it yet and so overwhelm sets in. Then you end up feeling burned out, defeated, and, let’s be honest, kind of annoyed at yourself.


The sun is always shining somewhere though. There’s a way to break out of this cycle of offer creation burnout and actually get your offers out there.


And no, it doesn’t involve working harder or forcing yourself to be more disciplined. (Because seriously, who wants that?)


Instead, it’s about starting small, breaking down complexity, and aligning with your energy so that you can create offers, get them out there, and get clients!


The Bonus? Your clients will love you for helping them experience quick wins and not go down the same path… overwhelm, giving up, and feeling guilty.


Ready to finally see progress? Here’s how:


1. Start Small to Validate Quickly


Alright, let’s get one thing straight, you’re being way too hard on yourself.


You’re probably trying to create the ultimate, fully fleshed-out, perfect offer from day one. You want to wow your audience, change their lives, and maybe even get a few wonderful testimonials, right?!


But that’s the problem. It’s too big, too complicated, and too overwhelming.


So what happens? You end up brain dumping, losing your dopamine rush, and wondering where to go from here, then walking away feeling defeated.


The solution? Start with a micro-solution.


And by micro, I mean tiny. Like, solve just one specific problem. Not five problems. Not a whole life transformation. Just one.


For example, if you’re a life coach, don’t try to build a massive 12-week course on “Living Your Best Life” or “Finding Your Life Purpose” right out of the gate. (I mean, I’m already exhausted just thinking about it.)


Instead, start with something much smaller. You’ll feel the difference. Not to mention get it done and out there and still have time for coffee with friends.


2. Create Offers That Align with Your Energy


You know that feeling when you sit down to work on your offer and immediately feel like taking a nap?


Yeah, that’s your energy yelling at you. (Or more accurately, leaving you.)


If your energy is low, heavy, or just plain blah, it’s because you’re trying to create in a way that doesn’t align with who you are or how you like to work.


If it feels hard, heavy, or complicated, you’re doing it wrong.


Your offer creation process should feel light and fun. It should flow naturally. (If that sounds impossible, stick with me for a second.)


For example, if writing feels like pulling teeth, don’t write. Record a video. Or host a live session. Or create a worksheet. Or a visual. Do whatever feels easiest and most fun for you.


On the flip side, if being on camera makes you feel like a deer in headlights, don’t do video. Write instead. (Or record audio, or create a checklist, or whatever floats your boat.)


Here are some tips:


  • Pay attention to your energy. When do you feel the most creative and inspired? When do you feel drained or stuck?

  • Choose content formats that feel easy and fun. Lean into your strengths.

  • Stop trying to force yourself into a box that doesn’t fit. If you hate long-form writing, don’t write a 50-page eBook. If you love talking, do a mini-podcast or audio series.


The key is to design your offer creation process to match your natural energy. When it feels fun, you’ll actually want to do it. And when you want to do it, you’ll finish it.


3. Break Down the Complexity


Half-finished projects (like offer ideas) are almost always the result of one thing: Overwhelm.


And nothing creates overwhelm faster than complexity.


If your offer feels like a massive, complicated mountain, it’s no wonder you’re avoiding it like it’s a source of pain (because it is!). You’re trying to do too much, too fast.


The trick is to break it down into tiny, bite-sized tasks that feel doable.


For example, instead of writing “Create Workshop” on your to-do list (which is so vague it’s basically meaningless), break it down into micro-tasks like:


  • Outline the workshop flow

  • Write the intro

  • Create the first slide

  • Record the welcome video


By breaking it down this way, you make the process manageable. You’re no longer staring at a massive project, you’re just checking off tiny tasks, one by one.


Here’s how to do it:


  • Write down every tiny step needed to create your offer, no matter how small.

  • Put them in order, from start to finish.

  • Focus on just one tiny task at a time. Nothing else.


When you break down the complexity, you eliminate the overwhelm, which means you’re way more likely to finish what you start.


It’s Time to Get Out of Your Own Way


Look, half-finished offer ideas and zero progress aren’t about laziness or lack of discipline. It’s usually the complete opposite.


They’re about setting the bar too high, trying to do too much, and getting stuck in perfectionism.


The answer isn’t to work harder or force yourself to power through. (We both know how that ends.)


The answer is to start small, align with your energy, and break down the complexity so you can create easily and actually finish what you start.


It’s time to stop overwhelming yourself with gigantic, complicated offers and start creating tiny, doable micro-solutions that actually get finished and sold.


Your ideas are amazing. It’s time to get them out there. It’s time to get clients.


No more half-finished projects. No more burnout. Just progress.


Because done is always better than perfect.


Michelle Sera is a Coaching Business Growth Specialist who’s worked behind the scenes of 4 multi-million dollar coaching brands, learning what truly works to grow a thriving coaching business. As a Certified Happiness & Manifesting Coach and founder of ElevatedMind®, she guides coaches to consistent growth with strategic simplicity and energy alignment.


If you’d like to join her tribe of Client-Getters, subscribe to her newest newsletter: Find Coaching Clients — The Newsletter that shows you where to focus your energy, so you can find plenty of clients.

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Michelle Sera

is a Coaching Business Growth Specialist who’s worked behind the scenes of 4 multi-million dollar coaching brands, learning what truly works to grow a thriving coaching business. If you’d like to join her tribe of Client-Getters, subscribe to her newest newsletter: Find Coaching Clients — The Newsletter that shows you where to focus your energy, so you can find plenty of clients.